Join Our Artistic Team! Please Make A Donation!
- Become a Patron of the Arts by contributing to "Snow" to help create a beautiful and heartfelt work of art that you can be very proud of.
- You can receive name recognition on this website and on the film's closing credits and receive specially selected unique artistic and cultural gifts.
- Your donation will empower the storytelling voice of an emerging international filmmaker. You'll also be sending a strong message to Hollywood to devote far more resources to telling the varied stories of women, who represent more than half the Earth's population and whose voices have been largely ignored. With its strong message of female empowerment, "Snow" is a film that has the power to change lives for generations to come. Your donation will help create a more egalitarian world. You'll join in the excitement of helping to bring a great film to life and of being the change that you want to see in Hollywood. It feels good and it's also fun!
- Become a part of something very special, donate today!
To Contribute:
For information about the recent Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign and available perks:
(A list of donors who want recognition in the film closing credits.)
Kim Adelman
Dora Almeida
Amy Amani-Goddard
George Antonopoulos
Hilary Barraford
Emily Beach
Joe Boateng
Peter Bofin
Ava Bogle
Setje Brinkman
Yule Caise
Meredith Caliman
Sue Carlomagno
Lisa Carter
Mark Castaldo
Loren Chadima
Donna Cheng
Esther Chiu
Chuck Choi
Frankie Como
Hap Cooper
Rose Courtney
Hanelle Culpepper
Todd Curtis
Cecilia Aurora De Blas
Chris DelValle
Steve Dierkes
Jocelyn Donaghue
Sergine Dumais
Kareem Ferguson
Enrico Fracca
Melissa Garza
Ulrikka Gernes
Louise Gilmore
Berda Gilmore
Narmar Hanna
Chester and Stephanie Hargrove
Jason Hargrove
Janet Harvey
Shari Hellman
Teresa Holt-McNulty
Alison Holtschue
David Holtzman
Summera Howell
Diane Hurley
Mark Johnson
Jeff Jones
Natalie Kabenjian
Erich Kemp
Bryan Kent
David Johann Kim
Miral Kim-E
Erich Kurland
Tom Lazarus
Roger Lim
David Andrew Lloyd
Curt Locklear
Jennifer Lonsway
Lindsey Loon
Erika Macke
Ritsa Magiannis
Marjo-Riikka Markela
Destri Martino
Tony Mirchandani
Claire Moad
Rachelle Morarjee
Sara Maria Nurmi
Marlene Okner
Christina Padgett
Elizabeth Pan
Melissa Papel
Rhoda Pell
David Penn
Valerie Peterson
Minh Pham
Mary Portser
Hilary Prentice
Stephanie Reuler
Roland Riopelle
Jim Romano
Sharon Rosner
Peter Rousseau
Om Rupani
Ilaria Maria Sala
Nina Sallinen
Elen Santana
Peter Schwartz
Rae Shaw
Susan and Michael Smith
Kim Starzyk
Gwen Storey
Isabel Storey
Emma Swenninger
Dermot Tatlow
Ari Taub
Nicole Titus
Kieren Van Den Blink
Michaela Von Schweinitz
Ulrich Von Schweinitz
Juliet Walker
Joseph Weinstein
Judith Weston
Heather White
Ray Xifo
George Zaver
(A list of donors who want recognition in the film closing credits.)
Kim Adelman
Dora Almeida
Amy Amani-Goddard
George Antonopoulos
Hilary Barraford
Emily Beach
Joe Boateng
Peter Bofin
Ava Bogle
Setje Brinkman
Yule Caise
Meredith Caliman
Sue Carlomagno
Lisa Carter
Mark Castaldo
Loren Chadima
Donna Cheng
Esther Chiu
Chuck Choi
Frankie Como
Hap Cooper
Rose Courtney
Hanelle Culpepper
Todd Curtis
Cecilia Aurora De Blas
Chris DelValle
Steve Dierkes
Jocelyn Donaghue
Sergine Dumais
Kareem Ferguson
Enrico Fracca
Melissa Garza
Ulrikka Gernes
Louise Gilmore
Berda Gilmore
Narmar Hanna
Chester and Stephanie Hargrove
Jason Hargrove
Janet Harvey
Shari Hellman
Teresa Holt-McNulty
Alison Holtschue
David Holtzman
Summera Howell
Diane Hurley
Mark Johnson
Jeff Jones
Natalie Kabenjian
Erich Kemp
Bryan Kent
David Johann Kim
Miral Kim-E
Erich Kurland
Tom Lazarus
Roger Lim
David Andrew Lloyd
Curt Locklear
Jennifer Lonsway
Lindsey Loon
Erika Macke
Ritsa Magiannis
Marjo-Riikka Markela
Destri Martino
Tony Mirchandani
Claire Moad
Rachelle Morarjee
Sara Maria Nurmi
Marlene Okner
Christina Padgett
Elizabeth Pan
Melissa Papel
Rhoda Pell
David Penn
Valerie Peterson
Minh Pham
Mary Portser
Hilary Prentice
Stephanie Reuler
Roland Riopelle
Jim Romano
Sharon Rosner
Peter Rousseau
Om Rupani
Ilaria Maria Sala
Nina Sallinen
Elen Santana
Peter Schwartz
Rae Shaw
Susan and Michael Smith
Kim Starzyk
Gwen Storey
Isabel Storey
Emma Swenninger
Dermot Tatlow
Ari Taub
Nicole Titus
Kieren Van Den Blink
Michaela Von Schweinitz
Ulrich Von Schweinitz
Juliet Walker
Joseph Weinstein
Judith Weston
Heather White
Ray Xifo
George Zaver